Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lookin' goooood, Michael. ^^;

Ahhh yes, here we are. The original drawing I chose to rework for the obstruction project. It's me as Marty McFly from Back to the Future! :D Normal enough, right? Oh baby, but just you wait. IT'S OBSTRUCTION TIME!

..................*awkward drum roll*.......

BAM! The remade drawing! Rules were it had to be in color. Check. Drawn from observation. Check. And the two obstructions I chose. Marty McFly dressed as me. Ch...check.... And all in 80s colors. Basically I took that as bright, vibrant, almost-neon colors. Luckily, my clothes/bedspread really are those colors. Booyah.
Poor Michael. I apologize, Mr. Fox. I really do. -_-;;;

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